Showing posts with label Sekitar Kita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sekitar Kita. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Posted by ihsan On 19:06
I want to start the article with this quote;
"We get everything we need from nature, so when we infect nature, we infect ourselves"
Like most of the people, I never really care about my daily waste like plastics, styrofoam, tissue paper or everything that I find did not useful anymore I tend to throw it on the dustbin, based on my old mindset, we only teach do not litter, and I thought as long as I put my waste on the place it will help the environment or me already the person that really care about the sustainability of the earth, in fact, that it is a big mistake !!!.

I'm not talking to the people who really don't care about nature that litter their waste everywhere like in the river, road and they always left the trace of waste anywhere that they are going to, because at this critical time I believe that you and I as the young people have more responsibility to address this problem. Their time is over and they have failed to educate us as their child to really care about the mother nature. So you guys are my target and I want to encourage you as the free and young folks to understand the problem that we faced of today. 

I'll tell you why this cross to my mind, one day I watch a youtube video about a zero-waste lifestyle and it blows my mind because this guy, she take the plastic and the waste problem to another level that is I never really think and care about, let us think about that first, let say if  we think that we are as a well-educated people and that it is our responsibility to keep environment clean, and we are doing that by throwing our waste in the trash can, is that right ? how this can really help the environment ???

Let's see how our well-educated behavior affect the world,

As you already know, this is our daily basis waste, its really easy to organize our waste on the bag of plastics its look very nice and very well maintain, I suppose that is what we think every time we throw waste on our the trash can in backyard of house or in public trash can and it will be cleaned by the trash man in the noon and tomorrow that will be empty and clean again and ready to receive our waste, and you know this happens every day and will never stop. 

Where all this waste goes? Here on the picture below, everything's that you put on that plastics bag will be ended up down there in the landfill and its keep increasing day by day as long as we as human still live on this planets. The pile will keep increasing as you know it takes a very long time to decompose plastics. An average person of Indonesian waste production is 0.8 Kg/ day its means in a year almost 300 Kg and it's 7.3 million ton/year in Indonesia itself. Its mean in next 10 years we will have a lot of waste that we never can handle. 

Today we still can experience a beautiful beach like this, while the other beach has unsolved a waste problem like in the next picture, whose to blame? is that the government who failed to maintain the waste? the people? or the tourist ?. The answer of this question is no one to blame for this such a problem, who knows if we do not take any action from now on, maybe next 10, 20 or  30 years every beach on this planet will look like that, and our children will only look at the beautiful beach in the picture that we take today and they will experience that only from a fairy tale. Please remember everything that we are experiencing today like a beautiful beach, a fresh air in the forest, a fresh water, trees are the results of our ancestor keep that for us and pass through the generation, so today we can experience it. What will happen if we do not really care and always be a consumer?? you answer that question by yourself folks.

The sheer amount of plastic that has been generated in the past 60 years is mind-boggling. New research shows that we’ve produced plastic as heavy as 1 billion elephants since the 1950s. Even more staggering is the amount that has rapidly become waste. Just 9% of this plastic has been recycled. That means the majority of plastic waste has simply been dumped in landfills or burned.

We are not yet talking about how our waste affect the animals, did you know almost all of our waste go through the ocean? it is still possible for our waste escaping to the environment, even when it is on landfills, plastics are at risk of blowing out by wind goes to the river and ended up in the ocean. Do you think that to garbage on the seashore only from the people on that island? most of the waste is from the ocean that carried away by the wave to the island. The ocean is polluted by our plastics waste and that is harming the sealife ecosystem, look at the picture below;

How dare we are as a human do such a thing to another earth habitat, we take advantage of nature more than what we need, with no intended to protect and keep it sustainable to others and guess what, we are doing that with consciously, we as a public give that permission to big corporation to extract everything excessively from the mother nature so that we can buy from them to fulfill our daily need and throw the waste that earth has no ability to decompose it back. 

We as a human has an advanced sense to think either that is good or that is not good at all, how about the animal, they don't understand about this material (plastics), they have no ability select the food. In some case, turtles think the plastics are the jellyfish and eat that because its shape gimmicks the jellyfish, can you imagine how dangerous this to our ecosystem? and this happens not just for turtles, it happens to all animals like birds, fish and many more affected by our irresponsible behavior in next coming years.

Do we have a solution to this matter?

Sure we have, but since the use of the plastic has been around for entire our life and its a part of our daily activity, so I would suggest at the earliest stage you have to be more aware and keep in mind whenever you're using a plastic bag, straw, plastic glass, and everything contain plastics it will affect the environment and cannot be decomposed for such a long time.

When you're more aware of the plastic, you'll notice a change in your lifestyle and start to resist the use of plastics when it is really not necessary. Your brain will start to figure out how the plastic will be the real problem for our environment and our future will be full of plastic waste if people like us didnot take action from now on.

A small example; Its okay to said no when the cashier gives you the plastic bag to wrap your things and just put in in your bag. Its very basic things right ?.

We can start with this starting point;

Looking to Reduce Your Waste? Start with the Big Four! 

I myself challenge you all, hope we are not late and can help the environment.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Posted by ihsan On 23:55

Pasir seperti kita ketahui  terdiri dari kumpulan berbagai macam mineral yang telah melalui bermacam macam proses baik itu sedimentasi, tertransportasi, mengendap di suatu tempat, dan ter-erosi begitu seterusnya terjadi. Pasir tampaknya seperti segerombolan batu kecil berwarna coklat, mungkin dibumbui dengan hancuran kulit kerang. Tapi pasir memiliki cerita jauh lebih menarik untuk diceritakan.

Pasir terlihat seperti segerombolan batu kecil berwarna coklat, mungkin juga berserakan material lain seperti kulit kerang, ataupun hewan-hewan kecil yang telah lama mati. Tapi pasir memiliki cerita jauh lebih menarik untuk diceritakan, seperti sisa-sisa ledakan gunung berapi, hasil hasil erosi, organisme mati, dan bahkan struktur buatan, pasir dapat mengungkap sejarah-baik biologi dan geologi-lingkungan lokal.

Seorang ilmuwan Gary Greenberg meneliti pasir lebih dalam, ternyata pasir dapat mengungkapkan warna yg spektakuler dari segi bentuk maupun teksturnya. Berikut ini foto-foto pasir dalam bentuk 3D oleh Greenberg dgn menggunakan Mikroskop Edge 3D (pembesaran 110x), kumpulan butiran pasir dari belahan dunia.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Posted by ihsan On 01:00
Patahan Semangko adalah bentukan geologi yang membentang di Pulau Sumatera dari utara ke selatan, dimulai dari Aceh hingga Teluk Semangka diLampung. Patahan inilah membentuk Pegunungan Barisan, suatu rangkaian dataran tinggi di sisi barat pulau ini. Patahan Semangko berusia relatif muda dan paling mudah terlihat di daerah Ngarai Sianok dan Lembah Anai di dekat Kota Bukittinggi.

Keadaan Pulau Sumatra menunjukkan bahwa kemiringan penunjaman, punggungan busur muka dan cekungan busur muka telah terfragmentasi akibat proses yang terjadi. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa adanya transtensi (trans-tension) Paleosoikum Tektonik Sumatra menjadikan tatanan Tektonik Sumatra menunjukkan adanya tiga bagian pola (Sieh, 2000). Bagian selatan terdiri dari lempeng mikro Sumatra, yang terbentuk sejak 2 juta tahun lalu dengan bentuk geometri dan struktur sederhana, bagian tengah cenderung tidak beraturan dan bagian utara yang tidak selaras dengan pola penunjaman.

Sesar Sumatra sangat tersegmentasi. Segmen-segmen sesar sepanjang 1900 kilometer tersebut merupakan upaya mengadopsi tekanan miring antara lempeng Eurasia dan India-Australia dengan arah tumbukan 10°N-7°S. Sedikitnya terdapat 19 bagian dengan panjang masing-masing segmen 60-200 kilometer, yaitu :
  • segmen Sunda (6.75°S-5.9°S),
  •  segmen Semangko (5.9°S-5.25°S), 
  • segmen Kumering (5.3°S-4.35°S), 
  • Manna (4.35°S-3.8°S), 
  • segmen Musi (3.65°S-3.25°S), 
  • segmen Ketaun (3.35°S-2.75°S), 
  • segmen Dikit (2.75°S-2.3°S), 
  • segmen Siulak (2.25°S-1.7°S),
  •  segmen Suliki (1.75°S-1.0°S),
  •  segmen Sumani (1.0°S-0.5°S), 
  • segmen Sianok (0.7°S-0.1°N), 
  • segmen Sumpur ( 0.3°N-0.0°N), 
  • segmen Barumun (0.3°N-1.2°N), 
  • segmen Angkola (0.3°N-1.8°N), 
  • segmen Toru (1.2°N-2.0°N),
  •  segmen Renun (2.0°N-3.55°N), 
  • segmen Tnpz (3.2°N-4.4°N), 
  • segmen Aceh (4.4°N-5.4°N), 
  • segmen Seulimeum (5.0°N-5.9°N).

Berdasarkan catatan data sejarah kegempaan yang berpusat di sesar Sumatra  di Sumatera Barat, memang sudah  berapa kali mengalami gempa merusak diantaranya adalah Gempa  Padang (1822, 1835, 1981, 1991, 2005), Gempa  Singkarak (1943), Gempa Pasaman  (1977) dan Gempa Agam (2003). Catatan paling tua menunjukkan bahwa di Padang pada tahun 1822 telah terjadi gempa kuat yang diikuti suara gemuruh yang berpusat di antara Gunung Talang dan Gunung Merapi. Meski tidak ada laporan secara rinci menyebutkan, namun gempa ini dilaporkan menimbulkan kerusakan parah dan korban jiwa cukup banyak.
Pada tanggal 28 Juni 1926, gempa dahsyat 7.8 Skala Richter mengguncang Padang Panjang. Akibat gempa ini tercatat korban tewas lebih dari 354 orang. Kerusakan parah terjadi di sekitar Danau Singkarak Bukit Tinggi, Danau Maninjau, Padang Panjang, Kabupaten Solok, Sawah Lunto dan Alahan Panjang. Gempa susulan mengakibatkan kerusakan pada sebagian wilayah Danau Singkarak. Tercatat di Kabupaten Agam sebanyak 472 rumah roboh, 57 orang tewas dan 16 orang luka berat. Di Padang Panjang sebanyak 2.383 rumah roboh, 247 orang tewas. Dampak gempa juga menimbulkan banyak tanah terbelah, longsoran di Padang Panjang, Kubu Krambil dan Simabur. Gempa kuat dengan magnitudo 5.6 Skala Richter juga pernah terjadi pada 16 Pebruari 2004. Getaran gempa ini dirasakan di sebagian besar daerah Sumatera Barat hingga pada VI MMI (Modified Mercalli Intensity) yang menimbulkan korban tewas sebanyak 6 orang dan meluluhlantakkan ratusan bangunan rumah di Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Selang beberapa hari kemudian, tepatnya pada 22 Pebruari 2004, gempa yang  lebih besar kembali mengguncang Sumatera Barat dengan magnitudo 6 Skala Richter. Yang mengakibatkan satu orang korban tewas dan beberapa orang luka parah serta ratusan rumah rusak berat di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan.